Newspaper Headlines and TV Show
Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United KingdomAM/PM - Newspaper Headlines and TV Show
AM/PM - Newspaper Headlines and TV Show
AM - Room Visits and Pumpkin Game PM - BINGO with Prices
AM - Decorating Pumpkin : Who will win this year PM - Halloween quiz and stories
AM - Balloon games 2 PM - 2TANIUM Live Music
AM - Room visits and Halloween fun PM - Dress up and and photoshoot fun Happy Halloween
AM - Colouring Pages PM - Diwali Celebration afternoon
AM / PM - Newspaper headlines TV shows Crosswords
AM / PM - Newspaper headlines TV shows Colouring pages
AM - Helping hands with our carers PM - Crosswords
AM - Bonfire night quiz PM - Bingo 3:30 PM - Matthew Quiliam Live music performance with Ukulele
AM - Room visits Hangman game PM - Poppies craft and colouring Debbie hairdresser
AM - Pamper session Room visits PM - Remembrance Day activities and creative crafts