Games and Christmas Trivia
Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United KingdomAM - Snowball and Reindeer game PM - Christmas trivia with Christmas drinks
AM - Snowball and Reindeer game PM - Christmas trivia with Christmas drinks
AM - Helping hands with our carers PM - Wordsearch
10 AM - Local Children Christmas Carols singing PM - Residents choice games
AM/PM - Newspapers headlines and Tv shows Tea and chat
AM - Room Visits Christmas Carols singing and dancing PM - Bingo with prices
AM - Room Visits Craft session Christmas Cards PM - Matthew Quilliam live
AM - Card Games PM - Methodist Church Christmas service and chat with tea and minced pies
AM - Gingerbread baking PM - Gingerbread Decorating
AM - Balloon game PM - Colour by number
AM - Newspapers and magazines PM - Movie in the lounge
AM /PM - Reminiscing about Christmas and Winter Christmas Music
AM - Visit and pamper session from Oriflame PM - BINGO with prices