
Christmas Craft and Songs

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM - Creative Mojo Christmas Craft PM - Favourite Christmas Songs

Exercise and Winter Fun

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM - Armchair exercise with Sophie PM - Winter fun with mulled wine 

Colouring Pages and Domino

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM - Colouring pages PM - Domino Game

Newspapers and TV shows

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM /PM - Newspapers and magazines Tv shows and movies

Christmas Music and Movies

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM /PM - Christmas Music and Movies

Pamper Session and Boxing Day BINGO

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

BOXING DAY -  AM - Room Visits Pamper Session PM - Boxing Day BINGO with prices

Tea & Chat and Jigsaw Puzzles

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM - Tea and Chat in the lounge PM - Jigsaw puzzles

Helping Hands and Board Games

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM/PM - Helping hands with our carers Board games

Newspaper and TV Shows & Music

Fourways Residential Home 45 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst, Berkshire, United Kingdom

AM/PM - Newspaper headlines TV shows and Music